15 Easy Cute Dinosaur Drawing Ideas to Try

Who doesn’t love a cute picture of a dinosaur?! In this post, we’ll share 27 fun, completely free, simple dinosaur drawing ideas. Of course, you can let us know how simple you find them!

We’ll go from Parasaurolophus to T-Rex, Triceratops to Brontosaurus! Of course, it doesn’t matter which dino you encounter.

You’ll have plenty of ideas for drawing and doodling these cute, fearsome but friendly creatures!

We’ve also included some descriptions for each dinosaur to bring them to life!

On with the drawing ideas!

Note: You may also want to check out our helpful guide to drawing a simple dinosaur!

1. Friendly Dinosaur Holding a Balloon

Here’s a drawing of a dinosaur with a smiling face holding a balloon! The dinosaur looks pretty happy and he is standing in a pretty garden somewhere.

He has dark eyes and you can see his teeth – but in this case, that doesn’t mean he is scary! It looks like he is having a great time with those balloons.

Simple picture of a dinosaur with a smiling face holding a balloon

2. Small Triceratops Holding a Teapot

Here’s a drawing of a small, cute Triceratops holding an even cuter teapot! This dino looks calm, peaceful and friendly, has three horns (of course – he’s a Triceratops!). He looks ready to pour you a delicious cup of tea!

This is a nice simple drawing you can try if you want something easy to start with.small Triceratops with a large, round head and three horns

3. Brontosaurus Standing on Four Legs

Here we have a drawing of a Brontosaurus standing on four legs. The body is like an oval, and the neck is a simple curved line with a medium head on top.

He is looking into the distance, perhaps wondering where his friends are!simple drawing of Brontosaurus standing on four legs

4. Smiling Stegosaurus with a Round Body

This is a fun, simple drawing of a smiling Stegosaurus with a round body and simple, triangular plates along its back. He looks cute and has short stubby arms!

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This is a nice easy drawing anyone can try – whether you are a beginner or more advanced!

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A smiling Stegosaurus with a round body and simple, triangular plates along its back

5. Cute baby T-Rex with a Big head and Small Body

Here’s a fun drawing of a cute baby T-Rex with a big head, small body, and short, stubby arms! This T-Rex is definitely not more than one or two years’ old – he is super cute and looks very playful!

This dinosaur is a fun one to draw for sure.

Cute baby T-Rex with a big head and small body

6. Simple Dinosaur Drawing With Circles and Lines

If you’re looking for a really simple dinosaur drawing idea to get started with, we’ve got just the one for you. Using just basic circles and lines, you can create a happy, cute, smiley dinosaur just like this guy!

He is looking right at you, waiting for you to start! simple drawing of a smiling dinosaur

7. Grumpy Scary Dinosaur

Well, don’t be scared! But here’s a drawing of a grumpy, scary dinosaur who looks a little angry! However, I am sure he is just hungry or something and will cheer up once he finds some food!

This is a nice simple drawing to try out.grumpy scary dinosaur teeth showing

8. Cute Baby Dinosaur Looking a Little Lost

Aw, here we have a nice drawing of a very cute baby dinosaur who looks a little bit worried, a little bit hopeful, and maybe a little bit lost!

He looks like he is waiting for his mammy or daddy to return or pick him up – hopefully soon!

Enjoy drawing this cute little guy!

cute baby dinosaur in an easy to draw, aesthetic style

9. Smiley Cute Baby Dinosaur

Now, here we have another baby dinosaur but this time – he looks happy! This smiley little guy is a tiny bit smaller than our other baby dino, but he looks a lot happier! You can see his little baby teeth and cute little tail and baby arms.

Read more  35 Cute Easy Animals to Draw

Related: Check out our online shop and browse our fun drawing collections!

Maybe he is not missing his mammy or daddy – in fact we’re sure of it.

smiling cute baby dinosaur

10. Very Happy Dinosaur Jumping Into the Air

Now, here we have a very happy dinosaur who has clearly received a nice surprise or heard some good news! He is very happy and excited indeed, so much so he jumps for joy.

This is a nice simple drawing that is sure to inspire some joy in you, too!

happy young dinosaur jumping with excitement into the air

11. Cute Dinosaur Holding a Pretty Flower

Here we have a simple drawing of another happy, cute dinosaur. This guy is holding a beautiful flower up to his chin and two cute dino teeth are showing too!

He looks like he may have been strolling through a meadow as you can spot some grass or plants next to his cute little feet.

The drawing is in a simple, aesthetic style and you are sure to enjoy trying your hand at this one.

a drawing of a friendly dinosaur holding a flower in an aesthetic style

12. Parasaurolophus with a Long, Curved Crest on its Head

Here’s a Parasaurolophus (a particular type of dinosaur!) who looks like he is thinking about something – or even contemplating!

He is quite a big tall guy with medium size legs and short arms. He has a sharp horn on his head and a jagged crest on his back.
parasaurolophus with a long, curved crest

13. Small Ankylosaurus With a Round, Armored Body

Here we have a slightly more challenging drawing idea – or maybe not, depending on your skill level! Most of our art fans here will be beginners I’m sure, but either way – this is a nice one to try if you want to take things up a notch!

This Ankylosaurus has a very sturdy, armored body. It’s very bulky and round and you can imagine how he might be a formidable foe to other dinosaurs and wild animals! That armor alone is bound to frighten off would-be attackers! He has a clubbed tail and his head is small and slightly pointed.

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small Ankylosaurus with a round, armored body and a clubbed tail

14. A Small Cute Dinosaur Looking Puzzled

Things are getting cuter! Here we go with a small baby dinosaur gazing off to the right, looking somewhat puzzled, somewhat mystified! Maybe he is wondering where his friends have gone, or his mammy and daddy.

That said, he looks like he is a nice place as there is some grass to his left and to his right, so he might be in a beautiful meadow – or on the outskirts of a mighty jungle!

A small cute dinosaur looking to the right in an easy to draw, simple style

15. A Small Cute Dinosaur Looking Puzzled

Oh, we love this one! Maybe we saved the best for last? (Unless we add more dinos of course – let us know if we should). This is an almighty, fearsome T-Rex – the most famous of all the dinosaurs! He looks ready to go, teeth showing and all set to take flight on a lovely sunny day.

The clouds are also in the sky and you can see mountains in the background. He may fly over them! Of course, it also looks like he is already on another mountain, or at least up on a height. That makes sense of course, as he may want to soar to even greater heights.

We would love to see how your drawings take shape here, so do let us know if you try this one!

A small T-Rex about to start flying

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